
I am auditioning for Redefined (http://www.uwredefined.com/), a local undergraduate a cappella group for which I auditioned during the first semester of my freshman year (Got through the majority of callbacks, but I didn't make the final cut). As with the first time I auditioned, Tiff and I are going about this process together. However, the previous time I auditioned, we simply sang a song of our choice a cappella. What's going on this time is much more elaborate, however. A staggering amount of people show up to the pre-audition meeting. We're separated into groups and sent into different lecture halls of Ag Hall to perform. My competitors have put serious work into their pieces. They've all dragged elaborate set pieces and costuming up the stairs to our audition room. Tiffany and I are incredibly embarrassed about our lack of preparation, but we follow the singers in to audition, regardless. We watch the myriad performances. The only one that sticks with me is a Blue Man Group-style performance, complete with drums, pulsating bass, and splattering paint. Oh, and there was some a cappella singing in there, as well.